Category: Maine (page 1 of 2)

Puddingtons in New England

Once I really got digging into to the early Puddingtons (Purringtons, Purintons), I was actually quite surprised to find a fair amount of detail from online sources about the 1600s Puddingtons.

There are several American branches but they are mostly New England based but one arm exists in Maryland.

There’s more data out there so this is just a starter- I’ve even seen references to the actual name of the ship they came on, Pied Cow, which landed on Strawberry Banks, now Kittery, Maine. Though one branch is listed as being a New Hampshire family, the truth is they were just as close to Maine as New Hampshire, including one owning/inhabitating part of today’s Seavey Island which houses the Portsmouth Naval Yard today.

They were the children of Robert Puddington and Joan Davis of Tiverton, England. There may have been at least 10 children. We know that two sons, Robert and George came to our shores but there may have been others. I definitely have turned up one early Thomas – the inhabitant of Puddington Islands prior to 1650. Robert and George had a Thomas brother but there is also baptism record for a Thomas, son of a Robert, who then may also had come with his father along with the two known brothers.

In York, George and his wife, Mary Pooke settled in with their children – three who came with and another four born after their arrival. Unfortunately, only two sons lived to adulthood and only one married and had children. That one is the ancestor of all Maine Purintons and of the Truro, Massachusetts, branch. He was Lt. John Purrington, father of Hezekiah, my direct ancestor, James, Joshua and several daughters. None of that generation permanently stayed in Maine – most ended up in Massachusetts or New Hampshire but some of their children remained in Maine.

Only Hezekiah’s decendants are primarily Maine based. The stories of this small family are found in some titillating court records – never a good thing back then – and by the legacy of the name variously spelled found throughout New England.

I’m planning a digital book initially for this family but if there’s enough interest to cover my minimal costs, I will also create a print book. Research Donations are accepted and pre orders are available now.


Contrary to that title’s possible meaning, name progression is not the topic of this post. It’s about that family and the Wilsons of Maine.

George Puddington and his family including son, John Purrington, came to Maine and New Hampshire by 1634 from Tiverton, England. After John’s death, some of his children scattered to Massachusetts. One ended up in Truro, Massachusetts, Humphery #1, who moved back to Maine after his children were born. One daughter, Abiel, married General Samuel Thompson who gave birth to my fourth great-grandmother, Rachel. Rachel married John Wilson. But there were a total of six marriages into this branch of the Wilsons.

One of John Wilson’s sisters, Isabella married Humphrey’s son, David. His brother Samuel married Priscilla Purinton, grandaughter of James, son of Humphrey. To compound the confusion, three of John Wilson’s daughters married Purinton’s, Rebecca (Humphrey#4), Isabella (Ezekial) and Thankful (Charles).

We’re not done yet, because one of John Wilson’s sisters, Betsey, married William Maxwell whose daughter, Margaret, then married Charles W, son of Humphrey #2.

I guess I’ll add another bit of information about those names. Purinton is the spelling of the branch that married into the Wilsons but most of the others are still named Purington. There may still be double R’s but all I tracked had changed to one R before they died.

I made a graph of this and until I read through the explanation provided, I didn’t understand it either but it’s a good depiction of how confusing family ties can be. Enjoy!!

Delia Speaks

The Pejepscot Genealogical Society (PGS) will hold its next meeting in the Morrell Mtg Rm of the Curtis Memorial Library, Brunswick, ME on Sun, March 8, 2020 at 2 pm.   PGS member Delia Wilson Lunsford will present ” One Name Genealogy Projects“.  This will include how to research all folks in a geographical area with the same surname as a way to find your family’s earliest roots.  Using online resources and others, she will recommend how to keep track of individuals/names, how to distinguish different families, and how to place name “orphans” into a family tree.  Delia has been researching her own Maine family, the Wilsons and the Alexanders, in recent years.  

Our new monthly theme for March is “Irish” so feel free to share a quick family “Irish” story at our gathering after the presentation!  Also, you are welcome to bring with you an Irish food item to share!  Our monthly refreshment volunteer will bring drinks and paper products to share. 

This link to the presentation PDF will be active soon.

A Rare Woman’s Name

So, yes, I love finding odd names since my name was so very different as I was growing up in the south. I usually just note that some parent got frisky with a name and move on but here’s one for the books – literally, as an author wrote a book in 2018 that highlighted a real woman with that name from 1600 New England.

Hazelelponah – yup, really. You can read more about the actual person on a blog post here. But in short, her name is actually pulled from the old testament (1 Chronicles 4 – Hazzelelponi). And another source says it means “she who gives shade, like the hazel tree”. The Hazelelphonah of New England was born in 1636 in Exeter, NH, and moved to Boston. Through several marriages Hazelelponah ended up with 25 children and stepchildren and lived to be 79.

I found the name in the Harpswell Congregational Church of Christ baptismal records. Joshua Purinton named a daughter Hazelelponah in 1782. Indications are that this daughter did not survive though. As her brother was also baptized the same day and may not have survived, perhaps we are looking at a set of twins.

It’s just a bit of excitement during record transcriptions. Hey, what can I say? Gotta have some fun!

Public Domain Resources

With the advent of, a non-profit permanent storage website, I saw the opportunity to do something that I’ve been wanting to do for a long time. I have collected nearly 150 digital files over the years, vital records of Maine, state and local histories, and genealogies. Now I can share them with you on a permanent basis.

This link, is a redirect link to the storage space. Since the base link will continue to change due to the addition of new files and future changes to urls on the website itself, I set up this redirect to be sure you can find all the files I’ve uploaded. (So remember if you bookmark the actual link, you may be missing new files.)

What is collected there is volumes in the public domain like vital records (23), city histories (40) – most done for the bicentennial, genealogies (34) either in the public domain or never copyrighted and others (3).

The files come from all over, google books and mainly and I’m presently trying to get clarification on other files that are in the public domain but uploaded to other sites that are not clear on the availability and use of materials that they do not hold the copyright to (another 37 books).

I have started a spreadsheet to document these volumes and need assistance in getting all the pertinent data entered. Volunteers please contact me!

Events Calendar

I’ve added a calendar of events to the site – for Maine events that have genealogical or historical value. I’ll also add in events that can be accessed in other states online like webinars from the New England Historic Genealogical Society in Boston and other resources that I find interesting.

The calendar is a public online calendar available at all times (and will be a little more up-to-date due to refresh rates).

Dr. Charles Alexander

John Alexander of Dresden died in 1840, leaving a will naming his living children and grandchildren. One listed was a Charles Alexander. John had only two sons, both of whom died in 1827 when they were 21 and 23. Though old enough to have children of their own, I have found no marriage record for either John or William nor any other references to any possible children.

I stumbled across a Dr. Charles Alexander of Farmington and Chesterville recently and in trying to figure out who he really was, discovered that he was born in Pittston 28 Apr 1824 and died 9 Oct 18971 according to his obituary.2

It would have been possible for either John or William to father a child then but they would have been either 18 or 20, a little young but possible. Someone posted on the findagrave page that he was the son of Benjamin and Betsey. So what is known about Dr. Charles Alexander?

His obituary says his family moved to Farmington when he was four – 1828, the year after the Alexander boys died. So again, making it possible that either was his father.

The only Benjamin Alexander that could possibly be his father was Benjamin, son of Hugh of Harpswell. He married Hannah Sewall and by 1820 was living in Chesterville. The 1830 Chesterville census, however, only lists one male child under 5 and there two earlier male births in the records; however, only one of Benjamin’s children can be found as an adult and the family doesn’t appear in the Maine censuses after 1830. According to Charles Nelson Sinnett, there was a son named Henry b.1825 who moved to Janesville, Wisconsin, “at an early age”.3 Henry’s birth is not among the records I found though. Close to the same birth year and both moved to Wisconsin. Can this be the same man? That “at an early age” is definitely different. Sinnett’s accounts are always fraught with errors, especially about folks who moved away from Maine. The birth place as Pittston for Charles makes it less likely this is the son of Benjamin and Hannah.

My strongest take away was that Wisconsin held allure from some folks in the Chesterville area!

Dr. Charles was educated at the Farmington and Yarmouth Academies. He attended several universities including Harvard and graduated from the “medical department of the university of the City of New York” in March of 1850. That same year he appears in the Orono census as Dr. Charles. He married Achsa Evelina Allen of Industry 11 Jan 18514. They did have a daughter, Agnes, who lived less than a year. Achsa died two years later in 1856.

He married again in 1861 to Charlotte Augusta Allen of New Sharon, Maine. He did serve in the Civil War, 1862- 1864, in the 16th Maine Infantry.5 In December of 1866, they moved to Wisconsin and had a child on 21 Nov 1870. Joseph Bullen Alexander ended up being Dr. Charles’ only surviving child but his mother died in 1875 when Joseph was only five.

Charles then married Charlotte’s sister, Harriet Josephine Frances Bullen in about 1880 in Wisconsin. She had had two previous husbands and had one daughter, Olive Adams. In fact, in the 1870 census, Harriet and Olive are living with Charles and Charlotte. Harriet is listed as a schoolteacher. She had divorced her last husband in 1865 in Maine.6

Harriet died 21 January 1894 so in the end Charles outlived three wives. He died three years later.

Charles’ son, Joseph Bullen Alexander, attended Colby College in Waterville, Maine, and then the University of Wisconsin for his law degree. He married Jessie May Bunker of Waterville in 1898 and accumulated an honorary Master of Arts degree from Colby College that same year. After some years in Wisconsin as a judge, he moved to Seattle in 1900, established a law practice, and served as assistant attorney general for Washington state for several years. He and Jessie never had children. He died 27 Feb 1949 and Jessie followed him in 1956.

His obituary states ” He is felicitous and clear in argument, thoroughly in earnest, full of the vigor of conviction, never abusive of his adversaries, imbued with highest courtesy and a foe worthy of the steel of the most able opponent. “7

In the end, I believe Dr. Charles was the son of one of John’s two sons, more likely of the oldest, John. Without any living descendants, the complete and final proof may never be had.

John Alexander of Dresden, Maine

As I continue my Alexander research, I’ve finally gotten some “closure” on John and Susannah Reed Alexander of Dresden, Maine.

At this moment I do not know if there are any living Alexander-surnamed descendants of John and Susannah but there are other descendants though possibly not many. They may well not know the story though due to the early deaths in the family!

John and Susannah married 17 Nov 17911 and by 1800 were living in Bowdoin with a wife and 5 girls. In June of that year he bought land from Matt Hussey in Dresden2 and then appears in the Dresden censuses of 1810, 1820 and 1830.

He also appears in a number of other records in Dresden – as Fish Warden in 18023, with a 32-ton schooner, the Stralston, with a son-in-law4 and as a subscriber to the Methodists along with a daughter in 18185.

In 1830 John is listed in the census along with his son-in-laws, Ebenezer Small, Josiah Hill and John Hathorn near him. At the time all three wives, Sally, Lavinia and Susanna were living. Ebenezer’s wife, Lavinia, died before October of 1831 when he remarried.6

In 1833 John sold his home except for two rooms, one cow, one horse and a yoke of oxen to Ebenezer. It was a life tenancy type of arrangement where Ebenezer was to furnish food, raiment, medical and nursing to both John and Susanna until their deaths.7 This life tenancy arrangement was canceled in Dec 1835 when John sold everything to Ebenezer.8 It can be assumed this is when John and Susanna moved in with their daughter, Louisa, as they married the next month.

The final note was the discovery of John’s will in Kennebec County.9 Since Dresden is in Lincoln County, it never occurred to me to look to Kennebec for any trace of this family. I asked Eleanor Everson, owner of the land where John and Susanna were buried, how far was the river/county border from her house – she said about a 1000 yards. The Alexanders and their grown children all resided on the city/county border! John died in Kennebec County because he was living with his daughter, Louisa, in Pittston.

In the will he gives all remaining property to Louisa, one dollar to his other surviving child, Sally Hill, and one dollar to each of his grandchildren. The exception was the $100 he left Gamaliel Small, son of Nancy, whom John may have raised after his parents’ deaths. One grandson was named Charles Alexander, perhaps the son of either John or William who both died in 1827.

The Dresden Vital Records 10 gives us much of the children’s records:

Bornn to John Alexander of Dresden and his wife Susanna
1 a daughter named Sally Alexander Jan 29th 1792 [author: d.24 May 1858]
2 a daughter named Elizabeth Alexander the 10th day of June 1794 [d.March 4th 1829]
3 a daughter names Susanna Alexander the 30th day of June 1796 [d.8 Sep 182211]
4 a daughter named Polley Alexander 13th day of May 1798 [d.2 Feb 182212]
5 a daughter named Lewyna [Lavinia] Alexander the 4th day of July 1800 [author: d.bef 1832]
5 a daughter named Nancy Alexander the 18th day of September 1802
7 a sonn named John Alexander Jun: the 8th day of May 1804
Recorded September 20th 1805 per John Polereczky Town Clerk
John Alexander Junr died in August 1827 John Polereczky Town Clerk
William Alexander died December 10th 1827 John Polereczky Town Clerk
Widow Nancy Small died March 4th 1829

So 4 daughters died between the ages of 24 and 34 and I find none of their children’s deaths during that decade. No deaths seem connected to childbirth but two of the Small husbands also died during these years as did both of the Alexander sons. Of course, there’s no proof how any of these died but since 6 of 8 of John and Susanna’s children died in that one decade, one cannot help but consider a genetic issue such as a heart problem. I have not been able to find all the death dates for the grandchildren though which could provide further proof of that theory. Tuberculosis could possibly be in play but I’ve seen other families with TB deaths and this does not appear similar.

One interesting tidbit is that three of the daughters married three Small brothers from Pownal, sons of Isaac and Susannah Sawyer Small.

John Alexander died 1 Feb 1840 and Susanna died 25 Mar 1835, having outlived 6 of their 8 children. The children and many grandchildren are buried in Dresden, Pittston and Randolph – handy for me now that I live across the river from Randolph! Next up – Charles, grandson of John. I think I found him!

At the right time…

I’ve been chasing information on John Alexander of Dresden for a number of years now. I kept asking folks about where the meetinghouse burial ground might have been because there was a deed1 that mentioned it. I assumed that might be where John and his wife, Susannah Reed, were buried. I just kept running into walls but on actual wall in the Pownalborough Courthouse is a map denoting the cemeteries of Dresden.

The first cemetery? The Alexander cemetery supposedly up the road from the Courthouse. But if it’s there, it’s certainly not obvious nor could I find anymore information about it.

Then the Dresden Historical Association contacted the Maine Old Cemetery Assocation asking for assistance with their cemeteries and stating the opening times for the old schoolhouse in Dresden. I popped over there on the next Sunday and was immediately shown a genealogy of the William Alexanders of Harpswell. Wrong I thought!

The real story of the Alexanders of Dresden is still unfolding but in the midst of the conversations that day, a lovely 90ish year old lady arrived. She dove directly into a book on Dresden that is not in print today nor is it or any mention of it findable online. Eleanor Everson is the delightful Dresden historian and she stated there were only 50 copies of that book made at the time. It is a bound book of typewritten pages and there it was, a page about John Alexander’s grave.

The dates were obviously not correct by my research so I returned home to finish that research and confirm what the truth was. John, his wife Susanna and their daughter, Sally Hill, were all buried there – as it turns out on Eleanor’s land!

“This cemetery is located in the pasture of the Richard Paige farm (H. Ellsworth Crocker, Trott, Small back to Alexander) – the south ­portion which is in Dresden. It is located on the top of a ridge -being the first full ridge on that farm as one approaches from the south. At the time of copying (April 8, 1979) there was a cleared path back to the area which lies some distance back from the road. These were the only two stones found at that time. Four field stones are in the area, with the surrounding area seemingly void of stones of this type. Also, several depressions, scattered about in no order, were observed. No apparent fencing or wall.

It is said that the bodies in this plot were moved from the sand bank on the Hathorn/Everson property many years ago. This sand bank is located between the Everson house and the house where the Alexanders lived (house no longer standing.)”

Eleanor said she had tried to read the old tombstones, a difficult task sometimes, but between her info and my research, I was able to piece out the correct birth years and death dates of both John and Susanna.

This tale is most remarkable due to the sheer bits of coincidence – having the right people in the right place at the right time. It’s a lesson in graves/cemeteries in a state that still allows burials on private land and how those graves/cemeteries can and do move.

In my quest to document the Alexanders of Maine, I’ve found numerous 1700s family members who I cannot definitely track back to a specific Alexander parent. John of Dresden is one of those though I believe he might well be the son of Robert and Elizabeth Potter Alexander of Bowdoin. Now I also know the end of his family’s story, a sad tale indeed and a story for another post.


Recently I was asked to write up something in honor of a cousin who I’ve gotten to know in the last few years. I finally got around to writing it up this morning, a bit ahead of the deadline (meaning I can’t post this until after August 23!) Here’s the core of the piece I wrote but expanded into a look at today’s society.

Today on Facebook my cousin, Dan, posted a bit about finding out that Tennessee Williams is a 5th cousin. He may be closer related to Dan than I am!

It’s all about connections. In this crazy mixed up world we live in now, it’s the connections that make it all worthwhile.

Back some years ago I found a DNA match to a guy named Dana Ward who was not a southerner. As a half southerner / half yankee, I figured he was related to me through my Maine family so I believe I contacted him first. We couldn’t see the exact relationship then but realized that he was a southern cousin instead. My Elam family was massive – making me related to possibly all Elams in the US now. Elams intermarried with Wards, a good bit closer to my family branch than other Elams. We are both descendants of Thomas Jefferson’s family (directly for me his uncle, not TJ). I was living in Charlottesville, Virginia, at the time so we pretty much said we have to visit each other. Dan never made it back to Virginia while we there but I certainly made it to Maine.

Since then I have been graciously hosted by Dan in Maine twice. We have a lot in common – but mostly the insane idea of chasing our far flung families to see what we can dig up. Now that we live in Maine, we’ve already seen Dan and Julia once and plan on getting together for more fun, food and “family” in Unity.

We still aren’t completely sure how we are related but it really doesn’t matter. It’s those connections that save me. It’s finding my Maine cousins and moving north that has saved me. It’s knowing that no matter where I go, there is a cousin lurking in there somewhere.

In Dan’s case, that cousinship helped me to further my research and find friendship out in the countryside of Maine. His constant genealogy work continues to prod me to continue, to remind me how important these connections are.  

Expanding on that theme from my birthday essay above, I can link these connections with a few truisms of our life today.

When I was growing up, it was all about family. There were 10 first cousins with my sister as the oldest and me as the next to oldest. Sis watched us all coming into the world as she is seven years older than I. I remember the other cousins starting more with one 8 years younger. I baby sat some for the youngest ones.

There were a few family reunions I attended and still can’t remember who any of those more distant relatives were. It was a little surreal to have old folks saying hello ’cause they knew who I was and remembered my birth! But I had family.

My son, an only child, with only 2 first cousins at all and none from my side of the family, was raised as a military dependent. Which really means he was raised to be independent. There was no family and no one besides me for him to rely on during his pre-teen years. I didn’t realize how much this made his life so different from mine. When he was about 4, we were living on base in a housing area of mostly 3 and 4 bedroom homes. Which means we were in a 2 bedroom due to less children in the household. He had only one friend who also didn’t have a sibling. One day he was visibly upset. Being a very non-verbal child, I had to dig into the problem. He finally asked me why everyone else had a brother or sister. He was very sad, unusual for him.

He didn’t have the family I had and have grown away from. In that particular circumstance it also made him different from our neighbors. Today it’s actually getting common to not have all those cousins around with society becoming more transient and families moving to get jobs.

One thing I loved so much about the military was holidays. We were usually not near family so we had to do new things to compensate. I had a wonderful time inviting young people to come to my table, to join with us as we made new connections overseas.

I started my genealogy work some years ago kinda by accident. I wasn’t looking for connections at the time. I was indulging my desire to get away from an untenable living situation that I could not walk away from. It was my escape at first.

Then I went ahead and got a DNA test and started getting matches. Mostly Yankee matches. 2nd and 3rd cousins – and even reconnected with one of my Yankee first cousins I hadn’t talked to in decades. I found many cousins from Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts; one came south on his way to his North Carolina home to meet in person. Most I met just through the tree on and not in person.

Once I decided to write a book on the Wilsons of Maine, I started a new path and many new connections. I found, in the end, that I’m related to half of southern Maine and found how much of my identity was rooted in New England food and customs, handed down from my Bostonian great-grandfather. I traveled to Maine and fell in love – no, that’s not really correct – I felt like I had come home.

I established new connections, found new friends and family, and moved to Maine last summer. I am home now because I went looking for those new connections as many of my ‘new’ cousins have also done, thus leading to their journey on

If we are going to talk about what’s wrong with today’s society, this needs to be part of the discussion. We need connections and they are continually being destroyed in this century. So my question to you is, have you found new connections? Have you made an effort to find what floats your boat in a non-selfish way? Who do you call family? Who and what sustains you?

(originally posted

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