The Wilson Project
The Wilsons of Topsham, Maine and all (I mean all) of their descendants.
In December of 2013, I started a journey, not a genealogy project. Over the next 6 months or so, I spent hundreds of hours tracing and documenting my father’s family on The result was a family tree of over 20,000, one book written and one more now in writing and planning, and whole new career goal.
I am a web designer and developer but first and foremost, I am a writer. One of great things about writing is that the pulling together of all the elements to make a cogent essay, book, treatise, etc., is just the most satisfying work I’ve ever done. My web work does not allow me the scope of writing that I prefer and genealogy does!
So I decided to use those hours of research to dive back into writing again. There is a Wilson genealogy book now available through any bookstore, an Alexander book now being written and a fiction book based on one Wilson descendant in the planning stages. More info on The Uncommonly Common is available here. A digital version is now on the site for sale as well; it contains updates and corrections from after the printed version.
Contact me if you are a Wilson descendant and interested in this project.
The tree is on if you have an account there. I keep that one updated. This site also has the tree on it but may not be the most recent version.
The first chapters of the book are finalized as is the Table of Contents. Though some edits have been made since posting these chapters, the Table of Contents is up-to-date:
Table of Contents (PDF)
Name Index (PDF)
Chapter One, What’s in a Name?
Chapter Two, The Wilsons – a Scotch Irish Family
Chapter Four, The Arrival, 1719 -1722
Chapter Six, Life & Times of the Scotch Irish in Early Maine