Once I really got digging into to the early Puddingtons (Purringtons, Purintons), I was actually quite surprised to find a fair amount of detail from online sources about the 1600s Puddingtons.

There are several American branches but they are mostly New England based but one arm exists in Maryland.

There’s more data out there so this is just a starter- I’ve even seen references to the actual name of the ship they came on, Pied Cow, which landed on Strawberry Banks, now Kittery, Maine. Though one branch is listed as being a New Hampshire family, the truth is they were just as close to Maine as New Hampshire, including one owning/inhabitating part of today’s Seavey Island which houses the Portsmouth Naval Yard today.

They were the children of Robert Puddington and Joan Davis of Tiverton, England. There may have been at least 10 children. We know that two sons, Robert and George came to our shores but there may have been others. I definitely have turned up one early Thomas – the inhabitant of Puddington Islands prior to 1650. Robert and George had a Thomas brother but there is also baptism record for a Thomas, son of a Robert, who then may also had come with his father along with the two known brothers.

In York, George and his wife, Mary Pooke settled in with their children – three who came with and another four born after their arrival. Unfortunately, only two sons lived to adulthood and only one married and had children. That one is the ancestor of all Maine Purintons and of the Truro, Massachusetts, branch. He was Lt. John Purrington, father of Hezekiah, my direct ancestor, James, Joshua and several daughters. None of that generation permanently stayed in Maine – most ended up in Massachusetts or New Hampshire but some of their children remained in Maine.

Only Hezekiah’s decendants are primarily Maine based. The stories of this small family are found in some titillating court records – never a good thing back then – and by the legacy of the name variously spelled found throughout New England.

I’m planning a digital book initially for this family but if there’s enough interest to cover my minimal costs, I will also create a print book. Research Donations are accepted and pre orders are available now.