Contrary to that title’s possible meaning, name progression is not the topic of this post. It’s about that family and the Wilsons of Maine.
George Puddington and his family including son, John Purrington, came to Maine and New Hampshire by 1634 from Tiverton, England. After John’s death, some of his children scattered to Massachusetts. One ended up in Truro, Massachusetts, Humphery #1, who moved back to Maine after his children were born. One daughter, Abiel, married General Samuel Thompson who gave birth to my fourth great-grandmother, Rachel. Rachel married John Wilson. But there were a total of six marriages into this branch of the Wilsons.
One of John Wilson’s sisters, Isabella married Humphrey’s son, David. His brother Samuel married Priscilla Purinton, grandaughter of James, son of Humphrey. To compound the confusion, three of John Wilson’s daughters married Purinton’s, Rebecca (Humphrey#4), Isabella (Ezekial) and Thankful (Charles).
We’re not done yet, because one of John Wilson’s sisters, Betsey, married William Maxwell whose daughter, Margaret, then married Charles W, son of Humphrey #2.
I guess I’ll add another bit of information about those names. Purinton is the spelling of the branch that married into the Wilsons but most of the others are still named Purington. There may still be double R’s but all I tracked had changed to one R before they died.
I made a graph of this and until I read through the explanation provided, I didn’t understand it either but it’s a good depiction of how confusing family ties can be. Enjoy!!