Hello, Cousin!
I figure if you're looking at this web page right now, you got to be related to me. My name is Delia Wilson Lunsford and I am a descendant of James Wilson of Topsham, Maine.
I am writing a book on the descendants of James Wilson and want to talk to living family members of any of the far flung branches of this family tree. I will be in Maine and Massachusetts this May and hope to get to meet many cousins while I'm up there.
I also am hoping to be able to have a family reunion or two so that we have a big party! I live in Virginia near the Dyer descendants so may have one here as well as in Maine. If you are interested in a family reunion in May, do fill out the contact form to let me know.
If you are interested in the book, I've posted the first chapter for you to read. If you are interested in the genealogy, you can check out the Wilson family tree on ancestry.com. I am still working on the details and probably always will be so don't expect a finished product.
If you are interested in providing information on your family, living or dead, or interested in the book, or interested in a meeting or reunion, please fill out the contact form below.
Thanks for your interest; I hope I get to meet you!
Your southern cousin,